Who am I? I am a follower of Jesus, a wife, a mother, an author, a homeschooler, and a Pro-LIFE advocate.
My husband and I met in high school. As a teenager, I made many plans for my future. Most of them have been altered or completely abandoned. My husband and I are both the oldest of three, so naturally, when we got married we decided we would have three children. Three was normal, and comfortable. I decided early in married life that if my parents and his parents could raise three children I also would be equipped to do the same. But very soon we discovered that God had other plans for our family. Three children came in quick succession, and God began moving in our hearts and changing our perspective to be willing to welcome more. We like to joke that we planned on having three children, and we’re both just overachievers so we decided to have more. But, the reality is, we planned on having three children, but we surrendered to God’s plans and His plans are always better than mine.
The Road Less Traveled by Robert Frost has been a favorite poem of mine since I first read it in High School. At the time it was just a nice poem. It was one of the few poems that I felt I could understand quickly, but as I’ve grown in my understanding I’ve come to see the deeper meaning in the words of Frost. Like the author of this classic work I too have stood where roads diverged and have had to choose which path to take. I am glad I can say that I have taken the one less traveled by and that has made all the difference.
My husband Jeremy and I live with our seven children in St. Louis, Missouri. Together we have been leading Bound4LIFE-St. Louis, since 2007. I am passionate about prayer, adoption, children, and motherhood. My greatest prayer is that God would be glorified in and through me. Jesus gave his life so I could be adopted into his family and I will spend mine drawing close to Him. I pray you are blessed and encouraged by the blog posts and resources that will be shared through this site.